Thursday, 8 January 2015


it's funny how i left secondary school thinking that hey, i will get a new start, life won't be as tiring and redundant, things will get better.. but nope.
No matter where I go, i've realised that things are bound to be the same treacherous cycle.
Work -> eat > sleep (for 2 hours) -> stress out -> cry repeat.
today my boss asked me if i'm mentally tired after i've told her i'm quitting.
Mentally tired isn't quite the right phrase i would use. I think it's more of.. worn out. Yes yes, everyone's worn out and i'm such a wuss to be so easily worn out. i'm full of excuses and full of shit.
yes. i get it.
i beat myself up everyday about how i'm a wuss and how tired i am.
i hate that i'm so sick and tired of everything.
you think i want to be like that?
fuck, hell no.
who on this fucking planet would want to be miserable.
it's not a choice.
i didn't fucking choose this life.