Friday, 24 May 2013

jeng jeng jeng

hellooooo everyone!!! 
the week is sort of officially over ^^ hahah, it's Vesak day today which means public holiday which also means study day. I kinda dislike no school days now... because we will have make ups and then our days end up being really long and even on the day we don't have school, we're probably studying our asses off :( so tiring... so if anyone (juniors) wants to choose the poly life cos it's "slacker", please change your mindset!! poly life really isn't slack. haha, we have a hell lot of projects to do and it's really tiring. haha. 

anyway! this week nothing much really happened..... I'll just upload some visuals and yeah. im trying to think if any significant things happen but nope I doubt so... I completed my CSA draft today hehe so happy cos I didn't think I could finish it on time. but it's like really full of bs though. HAHAHAHAH. 
right now, I'm on my way to the airport to meet the pop kid and Ariel to study. Mid Sem tests are in about a week or two away and I'm so lost in econs. :'( can someone help me:'( it's micro btw not macro hahahah. I find it quite amusing when I blog cos I'm kinda talking to myself when I type it out but like... at the same time I'm not really talking to myself cos I know people are gonna read it. I think I'm talking rubbish la actually. I'm damn tired and sick (flu) and I feel damn sian cos like idk recently I feel like people are slowly leaving my life and I make myself to attached to them but now that I see them leaving, I'm just too tired to like try and make them stay. so yeah. 
just a little emotionally drained. I'm trying to keep my emotions out of the picture right now, I think if I had to deal with emotions and feelings it'll just be a bit too much for me to deal with :/ 
okay idk why this post suddenly became so... deep. sort of. haha 
alrightttt, I just reached the airport.
bye everyone! have a great weekend :* 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


hello everyone, I'm in the midst of a very draining -yet short- week.... 
I have submissions this week (and the upcoming ones) and I think I'm gonna die cos I'm so tired... 
Really starting to hate myself cos my emotions are all over the place like I don't even know whats wrong with me aha
On a side note, happy midweek everyone :)
If your week was going good, I hope it continues being great
If it wasn't, don't feel down.. you'll pull through okay? 


Saturday, 18 May 2013


yo yo yo yo yo yo whats up. 
Yknow how i do weekly blog entries right, so here's what happened this week! LOL

Didn't have lessons on monday because it was graduation rehearsal and my leturers and tutors were busy.
But I still went to school to help out for CCN and proj meeting. 
Helped campaign for bernard and darryl. Mostly Darryl cos we went around tables asking people to vote for him. And I kept asking people if he was cute and if they thought he was, they should vote for him HAHAHAH what a screwed up way but yeah just trying to get his name out THEREEEE
didn't take much visuals but I went home right after I helped out.. Jacky walked me to the bus stop woohoo 


for the first time, i decided to wear a dress to school HAHAHA 
had lessons and stuff till 4~

yo yo yo from WPS

then went to meet some people and the fucked up... Spent most of the time talking to the fucked up until he had to leave at around 5ish? 

Then I decided to go and pei darryl because he was lonely hahah, then adrian came also, and jacky.
Talked and joked around as usual. 
Then Jacky and I went to meet heous for dinner. Didn't eat much and I saw brandon and spoke to him for a bit cos he followed me to go buy bread HAHAHA. Talked and ate with heous till about... 8/9? then headed home :-) 

cabbed to school because I was running late hais.  anyway, wore my celine me alone shirt because
and it was jy's birthday so she cabbed down as well and WAS EARLY OMG someone please give this girl an award
with my baby

After classes, we went to lib with May, Daniel, Joel, Claire. And then fucked up came and he was so quiet on his laptop........................ 
hehe, then jacky came also. Then jacky n fucked up n I went to say hi/bye to heous and then I left to go home

had WPS make up before our Econs tut which was quite sian but we ended at 1 that day woohoo. 
after classes, I went to have lunch with the class at bistro and then jy left and the rest of the class left also to go play Bball. So I went to meet fucked up and his other fucked up friends hahahah. 
Slacked at SAR and followed his fucked up friend (eugene) to go mensa 2 to eat. Then sherlyn came and eugene left. Then talked to sherlyn for like a good... 1/2-1 hour and then went to meet Ariel.
Met Ariel and went to meet heous while waiting for fucked up's class to end. Then went design to accompany fucked up to eat.. after that we went to say bye to heous at mensa and then fucked up had to leave so I went lib to find ariel, louis, terrence and zhao xuan. And then had a very unplanned FUC "meeting" cos Adrian was there with some of his qunox freshies and choot and rachel came as well. Then some damn funny incident happened.. waited for the school song to play cos some of FUC wanted to sing and dance HAHAHA 
then bus-ed home with adrian

I hate fridays. 
The lessons we had yesterday were just so draining... 
4 hours of BA and 3 hours of Lab. I almost died. 
After classes, Jy and I went to meet fucked up at lounge and talked for a bit... then stayed till the results of elections!
Congrats to those who got elected as VP/P especially Jacky (VP of BSC), Nicholas (P of BSC) and Kai Sheng (P of SU)
Then went for dinner with heous again and then home!

i don't even understand why people would like this pic.................. -.- 

yup that's how my week went!!!!
I'm really becoming closer to quite a number of people who make my day everyday because they're so crazy n fucked up and they make me smile and laugh. HAHAHAHA like if someone were to read our WA conv, they would be so confused and they wouldn't understand anything we said HAHAHAHA

P.s/ I call zx fucked up because he calls me fucked up and we don't mind because now being fucked up is a good thing HAHAHAHAHAH in the way we see it la.

ok bye x 

Saturday, 11 May 2013


hello everyone!!! (and jacky cause i know he reads it every time i update hehe)
how was your week? I hope it was great and I hope u guys have an awesome weekend ^^
This week was quite tiring and I can't believe that I'm done with week 3 of school.... Which means that next week is 1 month..?!?!?!!!???? oh and this week marks heous' 1 monthsary!!!! Which means we've known each other for 1 month and I can't believe I've bonded so much with the entire empire. Quite unbelievable :O 

I don't think I did anything much...? Had lect and tutorial and then met heous for dinner.. That's it I think? lol 
my memory is so bad I think I should kill myself haha.

may and ruiqi
ruiqi is damn cute man omg. During BA lect we were damn lost and both of us kept looking at each other. Really hate double entry book keeping cause I always get confused between Debit and Credit and I haven't even done my tut yet so I think I'm gonna be damn confused while doing it.

oh yeah I collected my badge from Wei Kang also teehee. BADGE 3 ATTAINED

How my bag looks like now because I thought that 2 and 1 felt very uneven so I put brandon's in the middle :D
-because he's my fav progger- (and yes he's the only progger i talk to thats why) HAHAHA

WPS proj group~

new found good friend. LOL she's so fucked up (in a good way) HAHAHAH 


dinner with heous


yo yo yo it's tuesday yo HAHAHAH wtf is wrong with me
had APEL in the morning then had breakfast with the class~ 
I had teh peng and kaya toast hehe i can remember :D 


here's whitman for u (his sister's name is whitney HAHA) 
lunch with heous + pop kid pop pop pop pop pop pop pop kid HAHA

woohooooooo after sch i went to meet some of them too~~~ lol look at terence.
then went to MPL to see valtino n people. Made a friend called Bryan (and he shamelessly saved his name as BOSS when i wanted to save it as STUPID CHILD because he walked into a pole and got a scratch on his forehead wtf LOL) then went home and showered etc

nothing much I think..? Weds.. I had.... uh....
POM tut and then.. Micro econs lect! wah I took damn long to remember what classes I had. -____-

I take stupid pics of myself in the morning like not even kidding. I'm quite embarrassed ah but..
aiya whatever HAHAHAHAHAHAH

pom sucks ballz
then went to have lunch with the class and then decided to go lib with jingyi and may~
but I had to go take some books from Brandon so I went down. Sat down for like 2 minutes then I saw a fucked up person sitting alone so I decided to go disturb him. (oh his name is zheng xuan by the way HAHA) 
Then I stayed with him until his (fucked up) friends came to have lunch with him. met some of his fucked up friends and they're quite nice (and fucked up) LOL hahahahaah he introduces me as his fucked up friend/freshie LOL

this can actually be a #whatpubertydidtome photo LOL
So after that, I wanted to go up.. but I bumped into eh kia so I accompanied him to go have lunch at macs.. LOL, thank god for 3 hour breaks ah. Then waited for zhao xuan to come also then left when zun came cos I realised I left my stuff with JY and May.
and I swear JY ah.. she's so embarrassing HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't want to embarrass her here but ya she's just so damn embarrasing and suay LOL she's like the most suay person I swear 

and because he's so fucked up and I'm so fucked up, and we look alike.. we became fucked up twins yo.
so now I have 4 UNRELATED twins LOL
1. fucked up twin (zheng xuan)
2. BPS twin (ariel)
3. fat twin (gwen)
4. lanjiao twin (junwei) 

this is me telling brandon what to caption his insta photo AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
what is shy????????????? #annazuicute #annazuichio :*

Didn't bother to dress up because I only had WPS and Micro Econs in the morning then I ended at 1 :D hehe

this is how u look innocent while eating a banana bitch HAHA


bitch of a twin LOL
met ZX after class with jy and then went to the 2 people proj room to talk about stuff. Then went to meet Wen Kai. Went to the bistro. Then JY came and then we laughed our asses off HHAHAHAH i swear they're damn fucked up and funny. LOL. We went lib cos lounge was closed and stayed there till 6 I think. 
Then ariel came to meet us as well. Went to Mensa for dinner then jy left. After dinner, we all separated wayssssss


bang! you're dead. heous wins. 
it was CCN day thats why wear until so lapsup hahaha.
Helped jacky, bernard, kai sheng, darryl and wayne to campaign for SU and BSC! Damn tiring I swear. By mid day I was already dying because I was damn freaking tired. :\ but I continued anyway.. Then when it was ending, zx intro-ed me to more fucked up friends. LOL hahaha. 
but i was damn tired and stoned already

met heous for a short while.... was about to go off for dinner then i realised that I had nicole's charger so I stayed in school and talked to colin and ariel for a short while. Then I went to the lib with colin cause ariel had to leave. 

Pleasant surprise at the lib cause I saw JY! and she was with her qunox friends so it was a queous bonding session HAHAH. Basically, 3 people from heous and 5 qunox people. yup QUEOUS LOL

so that was sort of my week minus some details! 
I hope u guys had an amazing week as well. :-) 
for those who are starting to feel tired and sick of school, hang in there okay? I hope you find your happy pill soon. You know, someone who manages to lighten your mood when you see that person hehe

okay bye x